When the office is closed at night, on weekends and on public holidays, you can go to the Maisons médicales, which provide a replacement service for general practitioners.
They offer medical care, but they are not an emergency service. In case of a medical emergency, always call 112.
Opening hours of the Maisons médicales:
- On weekends and holidays, this service is provided from 8 am to 7 am the following morning.
- During the week, this service is provided from 8 pm to 7 am.
The Maison médicale is open for consultations from 8 am, respectively 8 pm to 12 am. After midnight, it is mandatory to call 112 first. The call will be forwarded to the doctor on duty who will contact you as soon as possible and identify your problem.
Depending on the pathology and the necessary care, the doctor can do a home visit.
3 Maisons médicales are available throughout the country:
Maison médicale Esch-sur-Alzette
70, rue Émile Mayrisch
L-4240 Esch/Alzette
Maison médicale Luxembourg City
59, Rue Michel Welter
L-2730 Luxembourg
Maison médicale Ettelbruck
110, avenue Lucien Salentiny
L-9080 Ettelbruck
When should you go to a Maison médicale?
Whenever your condition seems to require a general practitioner and you cannot wait for your family doctor to return, you can go directly to the nearest Maison médicale.
If you are not able to drive to the Maison médicale, you can contact the Maison médicale by calling 112. The call will be forwarded to the doctor on duty who will contact you as soon as possible.
If necessary, the doctor can do a home visit according to the availabilities and the pathology underlying the request for care.
After midnight, it is mandatory to call 112.